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Blue, the colour of tranquillity, peace and maturity. The colour one associates with when they are at ease. When everything seems simple yet are made complicated. 


It is the colour of the unseen breeze - refreshing and pricking comfortably at one’s skin. It is exploring deep waters or staying up late hours, admiring the skies. Blue is a brush of diluted ink on paper or the softly crashing waves under the noon sun. It is the feeling of the desire for adventures, and the warmth and security from blanket forts.


It is also the colour of sorrow, of lingering fingers on an old photograph, of frozen lips seen for the last time,  the final view astronauts see before being launched into the unknown void - the colour of our planet from far away. The colour of keeping secrets locked away in the subconscious, and tossing the key into gates that others would never think of touching.


For some, it is a colour of calling. The only colour that will wash over false identities, cleansing forced lies and bestowing internal desires. The only truth that they know in a world devoid of colour, the only thing accompanying them when they drift away at sea, the only shade illuminating the city in the dead of night.


It is a sense of belonging. It is listening to the voices of the sea, following its currents, leading them somewhere safe, accepting and away from the noise of the unaccepting. It is a flag, with two strips of pink and a strip of white surrounded by a soft light blue.


It is the colour of being whom they want to be.

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